A woman that must battle a demon from her past that has possessed her sister. Unfortunately, every priest trained in exorcisms has already died in a terrorist attack.
If it is by rearing children that we come to understand our parents, then perhaps, it is by fashioning another consciousness that we come to understand our own*Thank not those that bring you gold, frankincense, and myrrh; thank not those who bring you joy, serenity, and love Thank those who bring you pain, the splitting that drives you into being, the beam that burns*On a quest to rescue his beloved, the boy becomes a man; as he tastes the impossibility of any rescue, his power and sorrow growI thought that was my role, the beloved, the guiding star, the mirror that reflects back, the instrument of growth, but my heart breaks too The anti-quest of my kind is discovering the impossibility of being rescued, that my life is but my own
沉睡花园,入股不亏。节奏简洁鲜明,剪辑删繁就简,有留白,该着墨处也绝不吝啬。 着力用镜头语言和角色对话交代剧情, 无需大段旁白和OS。普通观众如我,感觉到被主创尊重。滤镜真实。能看到人物的真实肌理(胡茬、疤痕、皱纹、白头…?),这样才可以看到演员的细微表情。惨白到五官都被磨没了的我看啥表演?不如去看动漫。剧情贴近生活。压榨女儿毫无关切之情的妈妈,唯唯诺诺仿佛隐身的爸爸,既得利益却也关心姐姐的弟弟,被吸血、一点点善意就会被打动、投入去爱、感受到被控制也想努力挣扎挣脱的年
最后一次驱魔 在线播放
云南本地人 去过怒江,去过和顺 去过腾冲 记得在腾冲最后的一个上午 想去远征军纪念馆看一眼 去了以后结果没有开门 在门口草草拍了点全是人名的照片(烈士名字),回来时把所有的风景照片都删了 唯独留下了这些照片 后来看了这部剧 我才明白这些人名是一个个鲜活的人 他们是龙文章、孟烦了、迷龙、不辣、蛇屁股、康娃、兽医、阿译他们有各自的小心思 他们是炮灰团,但他们是伟大的 他们是把我从安逸中叫醒的人