An investigation into an old papyrus discovered in a storeroom of the Louvre museum has revealed that it was a very ancient Greek score. But how can we know who composed it? How do we interpret this music? And where do we find the ancient instruments to play it?The text's grammatical features give us a clue to the composer's identity: Carcinus, an author cited by Aristotle in his Rhetoric. His name is engraved on a wall in the Parthenon. As we learn more and more about Carcinus’ life, a whole world opens up to us: the history of Greek musicians who were revered like gods and traveled the Mediterranean to take part in competitions modeled on the Olympic Games.But to hear the Medea as it was heard by the Greeks 2400 years ago, it still has to be played on period instruments. From the Greek cities of Anatolia to the Ptolemies’ Egypt, from the mythical site of Delphi to the discoveries made in Pompeii, relive this voyage along the Mediterranean coast, where archaeological excavations have unearthed a few ancient scores and many instruments’ remains. Unfortunately the passing of time has made them brittle. It is now impossible to make them produce any sound or vibrate.But thanks to new technologies developed at IRCAM and the Cité de la Musique, it is now possible to virtually reconstruct and hear sounds that have been lost for two millennia. For the time of a concert in the prestigious ancient theater of Arles, the audience too can delve into a world of sound that was thought to have disappeared forever: the music of ancient Greece.PRODUCER(S):[O2B Films](, [ARTE France](, Minimal Films, Cosmote TV, CNRS Images
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因为big bang theory,我真心觉得我的年少无知的青春也算有寄托。初中的时候,同学都在看《天使街号》《那小子真帅》(我好朋友所看的的言情小说的第一本“开山之作”,据说从此她的“谁没有过的年少无知”的苦逼年代开始了。)那时乡村非主流爱情故事女一号王心凌还占据着电视荧屏。我很自豪地在看tbbt,却苦于没人可以交流,只能独自在电脑前狂笑,引得我妈侧目,还要防止有些当时我看起来不太“和谐”的各种被我妈看到。想当年,多么cj的年代,虽然对于一个第一部动画片就由蜡笔小新起家的,好像不适合这么说,但是我的cj年代还是持续到。。。到。。。一段很长的时间。 当时觉得没有人一起讨论,但现在tbbt红了,剧情却越来越弱的时候,我越来越迷茫。 现在,就连我很讨厌的苦逼的政治老师也在向我们推荐tbbt了,当我说起剧集不给力,人设叫人爱不起来(特指amy,我不是要喷她,只是我们的sheldon,怎么可以。。。原来我还默默期待penny。。。)现在只有sheldon支持着我看下去,等等感时伤怀的话时,竟然有人劝我什么“把第一季看完吧。。。”
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