St. John's Hospital is the heart and soul of Bruges.Built in 1150, it is today one of the oldest hospitals of the medieval period. Walking through its corridors, its rooms, its attics, discovering its chapel, strolling through its gardens, following the canals that border it, is both to offer a unique visual journey and to tell a whole part of the history of Bruges, guided by the music that has resounded there.Falling somewhere between a documentary and a concert recording performed in the chapel of the Hospital, the film explores the rich musical heritage of this legendary place. Enjoy a mesmerizing journey that reveals the visual and musical magic of this historic place!Narrtor: Maia BaranDirection: Christophe MailletProduction: Schuch Productions for ARTE France
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因为木村拓哉的颜值慕名而来,忍受着年的渣画质,可到了故事结尾却越发不舍得让它结束。这就是《悠长假期》带给我的最直观感受。 这部剧在当年获得数十个奖项,从主角到配角全部被表彰,足矣证明它的优质内容和超高人气。 其实这部剧令我最惊叹的是女主的性格:不同于传统日剧所刻画的温柔、优雅、懦弱的女主形象。南身上的所有特点都与之背道而驰。她叛逆、大大咧咧、丝毫不顾及形象。结婚典礼开始前丈夫落跑,她竟然想到让男主俊秀去扮演新郎“撑场子”;不由分说就伴着自己的家具搬进俊