The official history of the Battle of Rzhev begins on January 5, 1942. But in fact, Rzhev and its surrounding areas were captured back in October 1941. Hitler's army occupied a large territory in the area of the Rzhev-Vyazemsky salient and secured a strategic bridgehead stretching from 200 to 350 kilometers. The USSR high command set the task of knocking out the enemy from this point. The operation was supposed to be completed in a week, but it dragged on for five hundred days. It was there that the Soviet troops suffered the most impressive losses. Rzhev cost 1 million 324 thousand lives. A heroic struggle and one of the bloodiest episodes in the entire history of the Great Patriotic War.In the summer of 2020, the feat of Soviet soldiers was immortalized in stone. A memorial to those who fell in the battles near Rzhev was opened in the Rzhevsky district of the Tver region. Another reminder at what cost we got the Victory. The opening ceremony was attended by the heads of state of Belarus and Russia.
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